It Is Considered Swimming Is The Best Exercise, Is It True?

We all know that just 15 “every day of exercise will make our bodies healthier, helping to increase longevity and reduce some of the risks of malignancies. can choose one of the subjects to practice such as walking, jogging, soccer, badminton, swimming … And people think that swimming is the most suitable subject for everyone because of its great benefits, let’s find out why!
10 benefits of swimming

10 benefits of swimming

1. Helps develop a comprehensive body.

When participating in swimming activities, our body will have to exercise the whole body, this gives us a well-balanced and naturally beautiful body. For those who swim regularly, we will very easily recognize beautiful muscle cuts on their body.

If you look closely, you can easily see, when we swim, we will move from head to toe, in addition to having the best natural massage performance, can promote blood circulation of the blood vessel system to the body, increase replacement, increase fat loss, promote the development of muscles of limbs, abdomen, thighs, back … strengthen internal organs function, enhance the body’s resistance, smooth, comfortable slimming process.

In addition, when swimming, the legs, arms, and torso are always reaching forward, so it will be useful for rapid growth in height (especially in adolescents) as well as scoliosis prevention ( due to lack of exercise or sitting a lot).

Swimming help develop body form

Swimming help develop body form

2. Effective Asthma treatment

The humid environments of indoor swimming pools make swimming a great activity for people with asthma. Not only that, but these sport-related breathing exercises such as holding your breath can help you expand your lung capacity and control your breathing better.

Like other aerobic exercises, swimming forces your body to work a lot more than usual. Because the water environment is denser than air, the lungs will need to be active while you swim to ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen. Improved lung capacity can help alleviate asthma symptoms and also help improve immunity.

3. Improving sleep

One health benefit of swimming is that it helps you sleep better at night. In a study of older adults with insomnia, scientists found that the goal of increasing quality of life and sleep will have positive results when swimming regularly. In addition, the elderly are more susceptible to musculoskeletal problems, so other forms of movement such as jogging or cycling may make them hesitate.

However, when swimming, water will help support your body in a maximum way, thereby helping your legs and arms to function but avoiding unwanted injuries.

4. Swimming helps relieve pressure and stress effectively.

According to statistics, up to 75% of swimmers say that the pressure and stress they experience at work, daily wave has decreased a lot after swimming. And in fact, many people (especially entrepreneurs) often consider swimming as one of the most effective methods to relieve pressure.

Swimming is good for mental health

Swimming is good for mental health

5. Reduce the risk of diseases caused by living habits

Experts have advised that regular exercise will help prevent certain lifestyle diseases, so swimming can be a great option. Participating in swimming regularly can help improve blood circulation, provide oxygen to the body parts and maintain a healthy weight.

One benefit of swimming that you cannot ignore is that it helps maintain blood sugar levels, regulate blood pressure, and increase good cholesterol. Thanks to the health benefits of swimming, you can reduce your risk of lifestyle disorders like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

6. The benefits of swimming are pain relief

Besides serving as a great body workout, swimming also helps relax muscles and relieve body pain. The health benefits of swimming, especially pain relief, include:

Swimming will help relax the neck or back muscles and other muscle pain. Backstroke can help you exercise strength in your back, but at the same time reduce the stress that is occurring in this area.
This water sport offers great health benefits for arthritis and is a great pain reliever.

7. Reduce inflammation

In addition to the cardiovascular benefits that boost heart muscle and health, swimming has other benefits as well. Regular swimming can reduce inflammation, which can lead to atherosclerosis in the heart.

This sports aids in reducing inflammation throughout the body, thereby reducing the risk of inflammatory diseases and other disorders.

8. Improving endurance

Swimming is considered to be the best full-body exercise to improve body flexibility. When you swim, you stretch, twist, and pull your whole body to move through the water, these movements make you more flexible than any other sports exercise.

Continuous stretches performed on each stroke can help increase flexibility and endurance.

9. Help slim your body

Experts say swimming is one of the best exercises to burn excess calories, as well as lose weight. Swimming is also more effective than running on a treadmill. So, if you do not like the usual sports exercises, think about swimming.

10. Good for pregnancy

As mentioned above, swimming will help train the strength of both shoulder muscles and abdominal muscles. So, pregnant women can also feel the benefits of swimming when practicing this sport. Exercises with the action of the water will help relieve joint or muscle pain, thereby alleviating the discomfort of pregnant women.

Regular swimming sessions are considered to be of great help to maintain a healthy pregnancy and to help the baby develop at its best.

Good for pregnancy

Good for pregnancy

With the above benefits from swimming, you’ll want to spend a day in the pool!
